Enterprise And Exitprize

From that first screaming moment

When we discover we are alive,

Trapped in the kaleidoscope of sounds and sights,

Profusions of fearsome shapes, colors, noises,

We are gifted to be bestowed with fears

Of dangers of inherited traditions.


Good and bad are acquired skills.

The unexpected can be a threat,

Or simply, surprisingly, a joke.

Those initial skills of walking, tasting, talking,

Take root in happy guesses  that in the end

Fail, as understandings crumble into disasters

Out of foolish ignorance of a universe of no concern

For you, for me, for life itself, a minor phenomenon

That occurs as minor accidents like thunder in an electric cloud.


That sense of you or me must smoulder in each of us.

Not be imposed as disciplines or philosophies or faiths.

As rarities we must behave in caution to observe the musts

And must nots to observe, preserve the most delicate of webs

Of flies or bees, of fertile seas. giraffes and spider webs

So the joys, delights of birds in flights now here

May persevere.