New Years Resolution

new years resolutions


The sensible, these days, has become


The weather, whether one agrees

To please

The experts, on the matter

That the entire planet is about to shatter,

Scatter any hopes of rejuvenation,

Spin fate one hundred eighty degrees

To please the kids that might gain some future,

Suture the bleeding wounds, explain

This place has always faced bad times

And always pulled through

Will no longer do.

Quitting fast foods, brushing teeth

Twice a day and cleaning up after dogs

Seems somewhat feeble in the face

Of those hair trigger ICBMs in the current race

To see who might say ”What the Hell!”

And push that button to erase

Most of life in ultimate disgrace.

Fifteen or maybe twenty years

Appears to be the schedule for

This time for nevermore.

Finalities of totalities,

Despite their desperation,

Might donate an appreciation of completion.

One might grant to a meteor congratulations

Of a good try,

But it took the magnificence of humanity

To put in place

That most noteworthy

Coup de grâce.


Ambiguities Of Continuity



Survival, one is persuaded to surmise,

Is,  generally, no great surprise.

Whatever tosses asteroids at our blue-green dot

Has a careless aim and there are certainties

In the works persuaded more in dependable dynamics

For crashing cataclysms to leave asteroids to witticisms.


No more do destinies rest in beasts with more teeth than brains

As cleverness has conquered fate to attain masteries

Over mysteries to bait possibilities of self destruction

Far more seductive than the obviously calamities.


Demons, currently arise from elemental hydrogen

For nuclear amusements and, somewhat more placidly,

Carbon worms its way to contribute to that final day.

Either miscreant is innocent, absent of human technology

Which is the pied piper to flute out the roots of our dispatch

Which we hatch from human ingenuity, presuming impunity

From the fundamental second law that dictates total absolute demise.


To underwrite and ensure our obliteration has no cure, we hatch

Boobies  to take charge of our end obliteration, mouthing alarms and fears

In ignorant babbles over ghostly monsters of our feverish imaginations.

The sharp cutting edges  of these useless fictions slice through fundamentals of existence

So that realities tatter, bleed away what must be done while nonsense games pervade.


Great winds will come to bring gifts of extremes that wipe and cleanse the confusions.

Creations require destructions, cancelling mistakes, providing room for revisions and corrections.

There is still much time to try again as the possibilities have hardly been touched.

This planet is quite small, and the universe is immense and has yet adequate extensions.



Hans Syz

lightning fist


Hans Syz says of the fizz

That froths what is

The feel of real that conceals

The qualities of realities

In formalities that stammer

Out of grammar, out of

Speculations on relations

Of forms, of norms that hammer

Through our eyes , our ears

That what appears is merely

Transience, a sparkle and a flash

Of intimations that constrain

The possibilities within, our brain

To hobble over rubbles of crumbled

Compilations of directions,

Connections into mysteries

Of what it is to be or not.

To grab a bolt of lightning

By its tail does not regale

A fist in delightful comprehension.

It merely focuses a mind

On terminal attention.



Chasing Carroll



There’s no source of grins where nobody wins

In the doubtful search for a snark.

For if nothing there moves or even begins.

It leaves no footprint or mark.

It’s never a lark where lurks a snark for the lurk, with a jerk,

Can drive one berserk like a Turk with a dirk

Whose work as a clerk might wildly scrape at your shins.

It’s better to fetter a digital go getter in a turtle neck sweater

With theoretical dreams of dark matter and precisions of cockeyed decisions

Than fool with a tool made with teeth of a ghoul

With a chase through the park after the snark while you bark to frustrate wild visions.