
folded hands


I would construct

From simplicity

A tight net to ensnare

The Moon, a seagull swoop,

The sprinkle spread

Of golden dandelions on green lawns.

Time gobbles

Color, sound, scent

And love.

It’s trail of melting memories,

The felt breeze

From passing wings

Of delight

Are ephemeral.

My tight folded hands

Clutch nothingness.



Tongue Tied



Herding words to perform tricks,

Acrobatics into ballads, rhymes

That twinkle into good times

Or vocal thunders of the wonders

Out of an angry psyche, or perhaps

Chagrin of a grin of consonants that spin

The lacks of linguistic qualities into

What cracks of frustrations of the tongue,

Can meander through the thistles of epistles

That declaim and blame and shame the world

Which, might avail to twitch its tail or rail

Against the commonplace of not to face

The obvious insanities of the human race.


The error to displace fundamental thought

With fanatical grammatical enticements barely

Face that thinking is not a parade of alphabetics.

The universe of mind entails qualities where language fails,

A place to trace great overtones of sight and sound, feelings

That slip like snakes into the underbrush of all sensation

Where fails the consciousness to follow secret trails.

You cannot catch a color such as red which can bleed

Or roar with fire tornadoes in the Sun or suppose a rose.

Language languishes in weak frustration faced with furious reality.

Language might faintly reflect an astounding effect but never, never

Never contain the torrents gushing moment to moment out of time.




Moon and moth


Dance with the butterflies

Dance with the Moon

For the music stops

All too soon.


The arms and legs

That touch the sky

Rake the stars

Make them fly.


Years with flowers

Turn to dust,

Windswept hours

In cold gust.


Nights and days

Have gone their ways

With grumbled thunder,

Lightning displays.


When the music yields to silence

And the dying sparks expire,

Dance again with the smoke

In memory of the fire.






We age, we rage, nothing sage.

Now is then and then is when.

The past and future has this suture

Where we are and never far.

Time and space always lace.

Relax. The facts wane and wax.

Just read today and turn the page

Planetary Essentials



I have used this blog to a large extent for my own amusement to play with the elementary formalities of poetry as someone entirely untrained in the medium and thereby stumbling through an alien terrain in naive explorations.  But this is a public display and, as someone who has experienced a somewhat extended life, I am driven to look both backward and ahead to make sense of some personal kind in it all. As Chomsky has repeatedly indicated, this current era of human domination and power has progressed to a point of disrupting the natural complex of life on the planet so that much of civilization and all other life is being driven towards extinction within a few decades and there is little if any powerful effort to deter that finality or even accept that it is occurring.


I cannot but have a viewpoint of humility in this examination since rationality within these last couple of centuries has disposed of the millenniums of self congratulatory  nonsense that previous cultures have used to elevate the egos of ancient philosophers and theologists. Humankind is now firmly placed in the animal kingdom on a small planet which is an inconsequential fleck of dust in an unimaginably huge universe.


After the planet had formed and cooled sufficiently to permit liquid water, the first particles of life formed in conditions lethal to current life, but probably elementary anaerobic cultures began and the generation of free oxygen changed the atmosphere so that the current life forms could arise. No doubt volcanic action produced enough CO2 for the first plants to prosper and develop the type of reactions that chlorophyll performs today.


Sites on the net often get involved in discussions of the meaning of life which generally ignores any life beyond humans as if those others were of no or very little consequence. A great deal of theology and metaphysics materializes in these matters. Since no one in my immediate family had anything theological in their thinking and I had no indoctrination in that area and much of my education rests in scientific understandings I must rely on what I understand for this type of exploration.


The development of plant life on the planet seems to me to be primary but plants are overwhelmingly sessile and if there is some underlying logic to whatever life that proliferates, perhaps the inherent function of motile animals is to consume plants and other animals and, because they can move around, their basic functional utility is to distribute their waste matter to new infertile areas where it can encourage the growth of plants and thereby spread life in all its forms to gain new territories on the entire planet. I realize that this accords very little value to the astounding reach of human knowledge in areas far beyond all other life on the planet, but this fount of arcane understanding exclusively human has frightful effects on basic life processes. By this logic human excrement is the most valuable contribution to life on the planet and current civilization exerts great powers to see to it that it rarely meets its fundamental purpose of fertilizing the planet. I fully acknowledge that human waste disposal has the destructive potential of spreading diseases but control of that is well within industrial capability.


Current human civilization has developed massive amounts of waste materials that are not only beyond and outside the functional life processes, such as plastics and waste fossil fuels and radioactivity, but also the atmospheric pollutions and extreme productions of methane and CO2 that wildly distorts atmospheric conditions are damaging our life systems that will take thousands of years to restore themselves, if ever.


I do not attribute intellect to the dynamics of life on this planet but cannot deny that the joint effects of those processes that produced and maintain living creatures are automatic in their operation. Control of violent weather conditions or the acidification of the ocean are still well beyond human control and the science fiction of terraforming even our own planet is undoubtedly far in the possible future if it is there at all.


I cannot suppress my complete astonishment that the level of intellect attributed to my species seems to have wiped away completely those fundamental instincts in all other animals to preserve their lives and those of their children. That Doom Clock is very likely past midnight and almost nothing is being done to push that lethal minute hand back.

Our Urine Nation



There’s really something missing

In the manner that we’re pissing.

The freedom with this act is all with dogs.

They can piss against the trees,

They can piss across your knees,

They can even piss on top of other dogs.


But when my need arises

There are never enterprises

That welcome deposition of your juice.

You are looked upon with frowns

When the places out of bounds

Are searched for a convenient sluice.


You may jump or you may wiggle

In a pornographic wriggle

But hard denial meets your every plea.

All the freedoms under law

Must be fought for tooth and claw

But where’s the basic one to simply pee?


This ubiquitous denial

Is a horrid modern style

With my bladder getting madder to degree

That we must demand solution

Or we start a revolution

For the freedoms when we need ‘em just to pee!


Vegetable Expectations



Broccoli and Chinese cabbage

May, perhaps, repair the ravage

That thunders out of time

To savage all the riches

Of my life’s store.

This is the crime

Of living more,

Thus with salads, vegetarian,

I bolster this nonagenarian,

Select my bodyguards of consumption

With bold hopes and wild presumption

Fight for life tooth and nail,

To preserve its twisted trail

Of life and love and fascination

And postpone its final destination.


Poet’s World

cat in the grass

Poetry is a landscape, strange,
Where wild colors flash
To glow in brilliance, fertilized
By random rubble, powdered ash
Of burnt out hope, energies beguiled
By ideals, loved and hates never realized.

No man can decide that this terrain
Shall not support this or that inflorescence.
Word and thought intertwine in random clasp
To erect growths of permanence or evanescence.
Gods and ghouls stumble, somewhat insane
Through this world no single mind can grasp.

The Disease

Teddy bear


What joy is there in being dead?

What delight can accrue

To a corpse floating

Into a famous

Eternity on a stream

Of words?

For the corpse,

Only decay.

Dissolution into the dust of molecules.

The words

Like that mindless teddy bear

Beats its tin drum

On and on and on

Like the wind through the trees

Or the gurgle of a brook


Like a disease

It infects

Another mind.


End Game

dead fish

The birds are dying,

Also frogs.

Coral’s soon all gone.

Fish are surely soon

All fished out

Shall we join the mastodon?


Humans are, no doubt, smart.

Our gadgets tell us so.

Cleverly, we’re phasing out

All things that make life go.

The air is bad,

The water’s worse.


Will be a curse.

And humans work to make it so.

We each do our part.


If history testifies

To humanity’s behavior,

The total scope

Gives little hope

Of an emergent savior.

Humans have a tendency

To environmental smashing.

So, hi-ho, off we go

To environmenticide

Nor do we care nor are aware

Of our own suicide.